Product Details for Material from Colson - 2811-FPPF-1001-5000 - Transport wheel; Ø:100mm; W:32mm; H:128mm; Bearing: ball bearing

2811-FPPF-1001-5000 Colson Transport wheel; Ø:100mm; W:32mm; H:128mm; Bearing: ball bearing

Part Nnumber
Transport wheel; Ø:100mm; W:32mm; H:128mm; Bearing: ball bearing
Basic price
4,08 EUR

The product with part number 2811-FPPF-1001-5000 (Transport wheel; Ø:100mm; W:32mm; H:128mm; Bearing: ball bearing) is from company Colson and distributed with basic unit price 4,08 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Type of mounting element : transport wheel Wheel diameter : 100mm Wheel width : 32mm Height : 128mm Bearing type : ball bearing Force : 150kg Base dimensions : 105 x 85mm Manufacturer : COLSON

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(keyword 2811-FPPF-1001-5000 Colson Transport wheel; Ø:100mm; W:32mm; H:128mm; Bearing: ball bearing)
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